Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1 Week from her Invasive EEG

So far seems like my mom is the only one that follows my "blog" if I can even call it that.  Hopefully people will soon follow suit.  Well today is 17 Jan, in 1 week from today my daughter is going in for her invasive EEG monitoring.  In 1 week a doctor will look at and touch my daughter's brain.  I'm trying really hard to not stress but as most people know (yes, you mom) I am a worrier and I think the worst of everything.  I'm trying to remind myself that it's just a procedure and everything is going to be fine! 

Here's what's been going on in our world...I started school last night, for the millionth time.  I am determined to get my Bachelors before my child does :)  I've been at this since 2006, although I have completed my Associates Degree already.  Some of you (maybe more in the future) may think that I picked the perfect time to start back, and I'm thinking the same thing  you are!  Well, thought it last night as I'm sitting in my Accounting class that is scheduled for 5 1/2 hours!  Oh, and Accounting...hope that you NEVER have to take it.  I know it's only day one but it is kicking my butt!  I have to admit that it is an accelerated course, 16 weeks shortened to 8 which in my defense is a little harder.  I'm also taking an on-line class, Interpersonal Communications; maybe I will learn how to deal with a menstrating 13 year old :)  Hope that doesn't offend any of you...but then again all you have to do is stop reading.

Anywho, so the past 2 weeks I've been fighting a cold and the whole time I'm telling Devynne that she needs to stay out of my face and no drinking after me, "you can't get sick or they will cancel your surgery!"  What do you know, this morning she wakes up all stuffy!  So what does any good mother do, I run to the drug store and buy her some meds and fill her up with them!  Wish us luck!!  Post more later, I have reading/homework to do....Good night mom and my hopefully future bloggers.


Anonymous said...

No, no, your Mama isn't the only one reading :) I've been away from internet is all. I think you're handling everything just great and I'm glad that you're doing something productive to keep you busy :) Good luck with classes and good luck to Devynne!

ms_rayzd said...

Thanks Sylvia! I feel weird when I'm typing everything, like I'm talking to myself :), from a blogger to another, am I doing this right?

Anonymous said...

The best thing I can say, is write something you would want to read. If you enjoy it and it's from the heart then the readers will follow :) It took 6 months before I got my first real comment. Also, try commenting on other blogs. That's an easy way for people to find out about you. Keep it up lady!